TWILIGHT project at Photonics in Switching and Computing (PSC) conference by Optica (formerly OSA)

TWILIGHT project participated at Photonics in Switching and Computing (PSC) conference by Optica (formerly OSA). More specifically, on Monday 27 September, Maria Spyropoulou from ICCS | NTUA gave an invited talk on Co-packaged Optical Transceivers and Integrated Optical Switches for Terabit-scale Datacenter Interconnect Networks. Also, Desalegn Wolde Feyisa from Eindhoven University of Technology (partner in TWILIGHT) gave a presentation at PSC 2021 entitled “Feasibility Study of Scalable 16×16 SOA-based Optical Switches on IMOS for Data Communication Application.”

➡️ Read more about Photonics in Switching and Computing conference at  🔗