“Modern IoT and 5G applications are driving the growth of Internet traffic and impose stringent requirements to datacenter operators for keeping pace with the increasing bandwidth and low-latency demands. At the same time, datacenters suffer from increasing number of interconnections dictating the deployment of novel architectures and high-radix switches. The ratification of 400 GbE standard is driving the market of optical transceivers nevertheless, a technology upgrade will be soon necessary to meet the tremendous traffic growth. In this paper, we present the development of 800 Gb/s and 1Tb/s optical transceivers migrating to 100 Gbaud per lane and employing wafer-scale bonding of InP membranes and InP-DHBT electronics as well as advanced co-packaging schemes. The InP membrane platform is also exploited for the development of novel ultra-fast optical space switches based on a modular architecture design for scaling to large number of I/O ports.”
⬇️ Download the paper by Maria Spyropoulou, Giannis Kanakis, Yuqing Jiao, Ripalta Stabile, Nicola Calabretta, Kevin Williams, Virginie Nodjiadjim, Romain Hersent, Agnieszka Konczykowska, Richard Schatz, Oskars Ozolins, Mahdieh Joharifar, Jakub Zvěřina, Martin Žoldák, Paraskevas Bakopoulos, Giannis Patronas, Hercules Avramopoulos at ➡️