Free Upcoming WEBINAR series – PART I

Radio and photonics history: From kHz to THz,
a chronological story about the inventors
and their inventions

Monday, February 19, 2024

10.00 – 12.00 AM CET (including 15 min. break)

(Recording will be emailed post event to all registrants)

Speaker/Instructor: Richard Schatz, Senior researcher and lecturer, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm


In this webinar we will follow the use of radio waves and light waves for communication from the early beginnings in the 19th century to the latest advances in the 21st century. We will see that the history of radio communication and the history of optical communication have much in common. On the way, we will meet the inventors who paved the way for the lightning fast global communication of today.

Target audience(s): Undergraduate and postgraduate University students and any interested individual/professional working in the field of physics, photonics and radio/optical communications.

Pre-required knowledge: Basic knowledge about electromagnetic waves, modulation and semiconductor physics is beneficial but not necessary.


  • History repeats … but not exactly.
  • A single invention can change the world.
  • If you think you have a unique idea, you are rarely alone.
  • It is not always the best man who wins.
  • Scientists have had a larger impact on our everyday lives, than politicians
  • If we find other advanced civilizations in the universe, they probably also use mobile radio and fiber optics to communicate.

Sponsored by: EU H2020 ICT project TWILIGHT

Also register:

Free Upcoming WEBINAR series – PART II
Semiconductor lasers: Cavity enhanced high speed DMLs & Introduction to LaserMatrix Software