

The Institute of Communications and Computer Systems of the National Technical University of Athens (ICCS/NTUA) was founded in 1989, as the research arm of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the NTUA (SECE-NTUA), with which it is associated, in the field of telecommunications systems and computer systems. The primary purpose of ICCS/NTUA has been to provide the facilities and organizational environment, through which research could be performed and through which post-graduate students could receive research stipends and researchers could be employed. At present ICCS/NTUA employs more than 500 researchers including SECE faculty staff, senior research scientists, and PhD students. Since its foundation, ICCS/NTUA has evolved to exploit the strengths of the discipline of electrical and computer engineering, based on the quality of the students and faculty of SECE-NTUA. SECE-NTUA has been consistently the top choice for school leavers and ranked as the first or second, hardest university school to enter in all 93 schools in the national university entrance exams. SECE-NTUA faculty, have equally impressive scientific profiles, having had graduate tuition in having served in top US, Canadian and European universities as Stanford, Berkeley, Harvard, Imperial College, etc. or research organizations as AT&T Bell Laboratories. In recognition as technology innovators several of the faculty members of SECE-NTUA have been appointed to key national and European posts. ICCS/NTUA participates in a broad range of EC funded subjects, which essentially reflects the multi-disciplinary nature of electrical and computer engineering, and has a strong track record of coordinating and leading EC-funded projects to success. ICCS/NTUA will participate in TWILIGHT with the Photonics Communications Research Laboratory (PCRL) research group headed by Prof. Hercules Avramopoulos.

PCRL was founded in 1995 as a research group of NTUA. It is led by Prof. Hercules Avramopoulos and currently numbers 6 Senior Researchers and 9 PhD students. Its research activities span within the following thematic areas:

  • Design and testing of integrated photonic components on various integration platforms (e.g. silicon, polymer, glass).
  • Design, development and testing at system- or network-level of photonic devices and subsystems for optical communication networks and datacom/computercom applications, including innovative solutions for high-capacity, flexible optical transmission networks, all-optical signal processing systems/subsystems, multi-wavelength sources for wavelength division multiplexing systems, and novel optical network architectures for datacenters.
  • Development and FPGA implementation of digital signal processing algorithms for optical communication systems, including modulation/demodulation of bandwidth-efficient and/or impairment-resilient formats (PPM, QPSK, M-QAM, M-PAM, DMT, OFDM, etc.), dynamic transceiver functionality for flexible optical networks, transmission impairment monitoring/mitigation, and advanced equalization techniques.
  • Development of photonic components and sensors for biophotonic applications including food and drug analysis.

PCRL runs a fully equipped laboratory with state-of-the-art test and measurement systems and a broad range of passive and active photonic devices. The group has worldwide links and collaborations with top research institutes and industrial research organizations and its activities are supported by industrial grants as well as national and EU funded research programs. More specifically, PCRL has significant presence and a proven track record with successful participation and leadership in numerous EU projects like ICT-QAMeleon, ICT-3Peat, ICT-TERIPHIC, ICT-HAMLET, ICTNEPHELE, ICT-ORCHESTRA, ICT-SPIRIT, ICT-PANTHER, ICT-POLYSYS, ICT-MIRAGE, ICT-PHOXTROT, ICT-PLATON and more. The knowhow of PCRL in the development of DSP algorithms, modeling of photonic integrated components and characterization of ultra-high speed electro-optical subsystems fits squarely to its tasks in TWILIGHT project.


Contact Person

Dr. Maria Spyropoulou


The Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TU/e) in the Netherlands offers (pre)graduate engineering programs (BSc and MSc) and post-graduate technological design (MTD), PhD and teacher training programmes (MSc) and post-academic continuing education. The courses are research-driven and design-oriented. TU/e co-ordinates several prominent Dutch research schools and institutes, such as Institute for Photonic Integration (IPI) and has a strong position within international research networks. The TU/e is a natural partner for technology intensive enterprises. The campus is a fertile breeding ground for new business ventures. The Institute for Photonic Integration (IPI), formerly known as the COBRA Research Institute for Optical Communication Technology, provides a focus to Photonics activities at the Technical University of Eindhoven. It employs more than 150 scientists and technicians working on materials, device and systems research. This is one of the world’s leading institutes in the field of Photonic Integration and holds a number of records on device miniaturisation and integration complexity. It has access to an 800 m2 cleanroom, Nanolab@TU/e, with a full suite of equipment for R&D of advanced InP-based PICs, devices and materials including the only deep UV scanner lithography tool configured for 3″ and 4″ InP wafers. Researchers from two of the main groups within IPI will contribute to this proposal: the photonic integration (PhI) group and the electro-optical communication systems (ECO) group.

PhI has a long-standing experience in national and European research projects, including the FP6 NoE ePIXnet, where it took a leading role in the creation of the InP-technology platform JePPIX, which was the first platform to provide open access to advanced photonic integration processes using a foundry model, and the service offered by JePPIX is globally unique. Over 400 designs have been delivered to users through the JePPIX. The PhI coordinates and chairs the steering group of JePPIX. PhI has spinned off several companies on PICs, including Smart Photonics , the unique pure-play InP foundry based on the PhI generic InP technology.

PhI is leading the research on photonics/electronics co-integraiton, through EU project WIPE, Dutch project Photronics and recently a Dutch-Taiwan project CONDENSE. PhI works with leading CMOS electronics companies (NXP, TSMC) and explore the combination of the best of two worlds: InP photonics wafers to CMOS driver wafers. PhI has developed 3-inch wafer-scale bonding technology with micrometers alignment accuracy and high-speed interconnect via’s using advanced atomic layer deposition (ALD) technology. Through these projects, PhI has gained unique insights in co-design strategy of photonic and electronic ICs and wafer-scale thermal management.

PhI is also leading research on integrated nanophotonics on an InP membrane (IMOS). The high-index contrast in the membrane enabled InP photonic circuitry with sub-micrometer dimensions while maintaining the intrinsic optoelectronic efficiency from InP material system. PhI introduced for the first time DUV scanner lithography on the sub-micrometer thick InP membrane and demonstrated record low loss of 1 dB/cm, which is crucial for high density and high complexity circuitries. Nanophotonic-integrated lasers were demonstrated for the first time, showing competitive efficiency as commercialized generic platforms. Ultrafast photonics is also enabled in the membrane, with a demonstration of a photodiode beyond 67 GHz. This unique InP nanophotonic platform is a vehicle to emerging applications. A recent example is an integrated optical wireless receiver for LiFi application with record high data rate of 50 Gbps.

ECO runs a fully equipped laboratory with state-of-the-art test and measurement systems and a broad range of passive and active photonic devices. Within our Data center networks lab dedicated research is taking place to design, fabricate and test novel components, sub-systems and architectures which can support the required future scaling of data center networks. Within the ECO group, the optical packet switching lab is fully equipped with a PIC testbeds including fiber array interfacing, electronic controllers and programmable logic for the control and calibration of hundreds of electrodes per PIC. FPGA control enables short time slot routing experiments. WDM sources, modulators, receivers and error analyzers are available for testing up to 50Gb/s. A full suite of optical communications diagnostics tools are also available. Assembly equipment includes bonders for electrical attachment of PIC die to printed circuit boards and also laser welding for optical fibre array attachment for one-off prototyping. The group has worldwide links and collaborations with top research institutes and industrial research organizations and its activities are supported by industrial grants as well as national and EU funded research programs. More specifically, ECO has significant presence and a proven track record with successful participation and leadership in numerous EU projects like H2020 ICTQAMeleon, PASSION, METRO-HAUL, FP7 ICT IDEALIST, COSIGN, LIGHTNESS and MODEGAP. The knowhow of ECO in chip design and switch architecture and large-scale switching matrices, as well as data center networks and software defined networks fits to its tasks in TWILIGHT project.

Contact Person

Dr. Yuqing Jiao

Contact Person

Dr. Ripalta (Patty) Stabile


III-V Lab is an industrial Research Laboratory created in 2004 by Alcatel-Lucent (now Nokia) and Thales. In 2010, it was extended with the entrance of the “Laboratoire d’Electronique et de Technologie de l’Information” (LETI) from CEA, which is one of the largest public research organizations in France. III-V Lab conducts R&D activities in the field of micro/nano-electronics and photonics semiconductor components for different applications: telecom, defence, security, safety, space, etc. Located in Palaiseau, near Paris, its facilities include 4000 m2 of clean rooms, with capabilities in advanced material synthesis (MOCVD, MBE), advanced device processing (RIE, ICP, CAIBE, IBE), measuring, modelling and designing equipment. Its staff is composed of around 100 permanent researchers, plus about 25 PhD students. III-V Lab has also the capacity to produce limited quantities of epitaxial wafers, components, modules or subsystems. Such capacity is particularly adapted to address in a flexible way the rapid evolution of markets, offering to its members or industrial partners early access to high-differentiation components for their system development and even preliminary deployment. When larger quantities are required, a technology transfer to an industrial partner with larger production capacities is implemented.

Contact Person

Dr. Virginie Nodjiadjim


KTH (Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan) Royal Institute of Technology is the largest and oldest of Sweden’s universities of technology. KTH has a proven track record on VCSELs, edgeemitting lasers, modulators, photonic integration (III-V and Si), Si-nanophotonics, advanced epitaxy, semiconductor nanostructures, nanostructured materials, photonic crystals, integrated optics,  micro-mechanics, quantum optics and optical networks. KTH has participated/and is participating in several EU-funded projects. The Electrum Laboratory at KTH is an outstanding resource for fabrication and characterization of devices based on Si, SiGe, GaAs, InP, GaN and SiC for electronics/photonics/micromechanics in the nano/micro scale. The participants have extensive expertise on advanced buried heterostructure lasers, photonic integration (III-V and Si), III-V nano-structures and nano-structured materials, covering physics, technology and applications.

The Kista High Speed Transmission Lab, jointly owned by KTH and RISE (Research Institutes of Sweden, former Acreo) has state-of-the-art equipment and expertise for testing advanced modulation formats for high capacity transmission at system level for both long- and short-haul optical communication systems. This includes a coherent optical transmitter and coherent optical receiver for multilevel modulation at symbol rates up to 40Gbaud in both polarizations. The transmitter equipment consists of two 10 bit, a 50Gs/s arbitrary waveform generators, a 2*56 Gbit/s pattern generator (using mux), a 4 bit, 32Gbaud DA converter, tunable lasers, a broadband QAM transmitter module, and several IQ modulators. The receiver equipment  consists of a coherent optical modulation analyzer with 33GHz system bandwidth that can handle up to 512 Gbit/s 16-QAM signals, high speed detectors and 2*56 Gbit/s BERT analyzer (using demux). The lab has also an intensity modulated transmitter and receiver with 100GHz bandwidth at 1.55μm wavelength, 46GHz electrical spectrum analyzer, several optical spectrum analyzers, 700GHz optical sampling oscilloscope, and access to a 67GHz network analyzer. KTH has also access to own developed software LaserMatrix and commercial software Comsol, Lastip, Apsys, VPI and Ansoft for device and system simulations.

Research interests from KTH-RISE Kista High Speed Transmission lab (Kista HST-Lab):

  • Digital and photonic-assisted signal processing techniques
  • High-speed short-reach communications and devices
  • Optical interconnects for Datacenters
  • Quantum communications for secure Datacenter interconnects

Some world record results involving researchers from Kista HST-Lab:

  • Highest bandwidth >100GHz monolithically integrated EML (Externally Modulated Laser) in collaboration
    with Syntune (now a part of Finisar Sweden)
  • Highest bandwidth 55 GHz, 112 Gbps pulse amplitude modulation (PAM)-4 directly modulated laser in
    collaboration with Finisar.
  • Real-time 100 Gbps 3-level Duobinary based optical interconnects in collaboration with Ghent University – iMinds – imec and BiFAST
  • 260 Gbps photonic-wireless link in the THz band in collaboration with DTU, Zhejiang University and Tianjin University.
  • 204 Gbps on-off keying (OOK) optical interconnect in collaboration with III-V lab and Nokia Bell Labs.

Contact Person

Docent Richard Schatz


Argotech A.S. is a private company located in the city of Trutnov in the Czech Republic. The company was founded in 2006, based on a tradition of microelectronics fabrication in the region, after the restructuring of Siemens, and later Infineon. Argotech focuses on manufacturing, engineering, and development services for optoand micro-electronics. It provides a unique technology-chain, starting from wafer-level packaging to full optical subassembly, and customized packaging solutions. For custom packaging of optoelectronics components, such as OSAs, micro-modules, etc., Argotech acts as a CM (contract manufacturer) or an ODM (original design manufacturer). For ODM work, Argotech provides optical, electronic, RF, mechanic and thermal management design. Argotech has a 10-year track-record of serving customers from the datacom, telecom, airspace, defence, life-science, and final-customer markets, and has a highly experienced team, with a 10-year track-record in packaging & micro-assembly activities, and generating solutions for customers focused on wafer-scale assembly. Argotech has deployed a micro-assembly approach for wafer-level carriers that enables the packaging scale-up of optoelectronics components to higher volumes, as well as reaching very compact component sizes, both of which are required for wearable electronics and medical applications. Argotech has an experience in RF design of packaging & assembly towards to 100Gb/s NRZ, optical coupling of 400nm lasers to 2.5μm-SMFs, and customization of packaging processes when off-the-shelf components do not provide the required functionality or performance, etc. Argotech offers sample and pilot production, with a fast capacity ramp-up, and flexible shift model to meet the demands of mass production, when needed. For mass production, Argotech has the capacity to span the full value-chain from feasibility studies, to product design, to prototyping, to product qualification. Argotech is constantly working to incorporate and improve the level of automated assembly (machine vision, Labview servo-control,etc.) in its production-chain, to increase both capacity and yield for customers.

Contact Person

MSc Martin Zoldak

Contact Person

MSc Jakub Zverina


Mellanox Technologies (MLNX) is a supplier of end-to-end InfiniBand and EtherneT interconnect solutions and services for servers and storage. Mellanox offers a broad portfolio of interconnect products: adapters, switches, software, cables and silicon for a range of markets including computing, enterprise Data centers, Web 2.0, Cloud, Storage and financial services. Mellanox’ top notch equipment is preferred among HPC cluster managers: Mellanox connects 39% of TOP500 systems (192 systems) as well as all of 25G, 40G and 100G Eth. systems in the TOP500 list. Mellanox accelerates 2 of the TOP5 supercomputers. The company has over 2500 employees globally and 2/3 of its global workforce is hosted in Israel, with a significant portion (~1400) conducting research and development. Mellanox has several R&D centers in Europe with main HQ being in Denmark, UK, Czech Republic and Sweden. Mellanox offers a broad portfolio of optical interconnect products (active optical cables, transceivers and mid-board optical modules) including multi-mode and single-mode solutions for various deployment scenarios in different datacenter tiers. Mellanox is strongly involved in photonics research activities aiming at promising transceiver technologies for beyond 400 Gb/s interconnects (e.g. silicon photonic, plasmonics, high-speed VCSELs etc.) Mellanox is a vertically integrated company developing in-house a broad range of network interface cards (NICs), switches, network processors as well as the associated management software. Mellanox has a breadth of research activities in the fields of High Performance Computing, Artificial Intelligence, storage, Network Function Virtualization, advanced network acceleration technologies (RDMA, DPDK), switch programmability, Big Data, virtualization and cloud. Mellanox has pioneered the development of an end-to-end commercial solution for 200 Gb/s combining its photonics and systems developments in a consolidated solution. Mellanox participates in GEMINI through the Advanced Technologies group, which consists of more than 20 engineers and senior/principal engineers. The group has broad experience in the development and characterization of cutting edge transceiver prototypes (from proof-of-concept to pre-commercial level) within the context of internal Mellanox projects, as well as national and European research grants, and has access to assembly equipment that replicates the exact capabilities of the Mellanox production lines. Mellanox has a broad range of optical interconnect products based on various technologies (EMLs, silicon photonics, VCSELs) to address the needs of different segments in the datacentre and is currently a fabless company working in collaboration with its fabrication partners.

Contact Person

Dr. Paraskevas Bakopoulos